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Why is prioritization necessary?

After surveying the community, examining existing bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and consulting community bicycling location information, we identified over 100 bicycle and pedestrian projects. That’s a lot of options!


To narrow in on which projects should be prioritized, we'll run these projects through the prioritization criteria shown below. While we can’t measure every beneficial aspect of a project, these eight criteria can help us get an idea of which projects will help us best meet our plan goals!

Draft Prioritization Criteria

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Prioritization Matrix_English.PNG

How does prioritization work?

Each project will receive one point for each “Yes” it receives for the Community Destinations, Equity, Adoption & Implementation, and Public Priority criteria. Each project will receive two points for each "Yes" it receives for the Safety, School, and Transit criteria. Each project will receive one point for the Connectedness criteria it if fills a gap, and two points if it BOTH fills a gap and is on an important route. The projects will then be ranked by total number of points. 

Prioritization Example_English.PNG

This table shows an example of prioritization in action. Here, the bike lane on Main Street would be prioritized because it received more points than the sidewalk repair on 1st Avenue.

How did we develop the prioritization process?

Draft 1. AAMPO created the first draft of these prioritization criteria in October 2020 by researching other active transportation plans. AAMPO staff focused on criteria that served the AAMPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan goals. Additionally, AAMPO opted for a simple yes/no structure where each criteria is equally weighted.


Draft 2. AAMPO then revised the criteria over multiple discussions with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Specific focus was placed on making the criteria simple, easy to understand, and useful to the cities and counties who will decide which projects to build! Ultimately, AAMPO and the TAC decided on the eight criteria listed in the table above. We also decided to give the Safety, Connectedness, Schools, and Transit criteria more weight than the other criteria.


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